Before & After
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Phase I: Severe Spacing & Lip Incompetence
Treatment: Upper braces only
Anterior Openbite and Crowding (Child)
Treatment: Upper and Lower braces
Phase I: Flared Upper Teeth
Treatment: Upper Braces only + Bonded Retainer
Phase II: Canted Smile
Tx: Upper and Lower Braces
Severe Diastema (Gap Between the Front Teeth)
Treatment: Upper and Lower Braces + Bonded Retainer
Impacted Canines
Treatment: Upper and Lower Braces + Surgical Exposure of Upper Right Canine
Severe Crowding & Single Tooth Crossbite
Treatment: Upper and Lower braces
Underbite & Bilateral Posterior Crossbite (Adult Case)
Treatment: Patient denied jaw surgery to ideally correct the bite and facial profile. Therefore, we extracted two Lower Premolars + Upper and Lower Braces
Phase II: Single Tooth Crossbite & Crowding
Treatment: Upper and Lower braces, 15 months
Anterior Open Bite (Adult)
Treatment: Clear Aligners
Moderate Crowding
Treatment: Traditional Braces on Upper and Lower
Ectopic (Blocked-Out) Canines
Treatment: Upper and Lower Braces
Moderate Crowding
Clear Aligner Treatment